Amos and Andy – Andys New Wife. 431008

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Bonus, A Slogan for the Cab Company, 1939-01-14. Andy presents ideas to Amos for a new company slogan. Amos has his own ideas on how to boost profits. Andy deflects the conversation by talking about his latest love interest. Not to be out done, Amos gets back to suggesting that an efficiency expert be hired. In Andy's New Wife, 431008. Andy finds himself in a predicament. His rich uncle, played by Ernie Whitman, is to come for a visit. The situation is that Andy will only be included in his will if he has proven that he has settled down, and gotten married. Conspiring with Kingfish, they send Amos on vacation, Andy takes over his apartment. Even an actress is hired to play his wife. The plan is too perfect. You know it won't hold together, so enjoy the fun as developments cause things to unravel. There's some funny scenes as our heros try to bribe an animal doctor to pose as the real thing. In the end, things work out between Andy and his uncle, although I don't think the topic of the will comes up. Hey, how did that work out anyway?