Mean In Green: The Oakland Athletics Podcast - 7.17.2006 (Part 1)

Mean In Green: The Oakland Athletics Podcast show

Summary: Mean In Green: The Oakland Athletics Podcast Episode 9, Week 16 93 down, 69 to go Record: 48-45, Leading the AL West by 1/2 game, 1 game losing "streak" First, I have to apologize profusely for the poor audio quality and for the hack-job I did on editing this week's episode. You'll find that some things I normally edit out were left in, which makes for a pretty rough episode. There were a lot of new variables introduced this week that I hadn't accounted for, which threw a wrench into the works. I'm working on improving this in future shows. Also, this show has been broken into two separate episodes because of its total length of over 2 hours. It's all definitely worth listening to, though we'll be going back to normal, bite-sized episodes on the next one. Now, onto the show notes: I've got co-hosts! This week we'll be discussing: Part 1 # The A's midseason grades Part 2 # Is Zito gone? # Frank Thomas' baserunning # The state of the Coliseum # Which teams in the A.L. West will be improving after the All-Star Break? Questions or comments? Send 'em to