Google Educast #034: Tying it All Together

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Summary: Diane, Fred and Sean get familiar with the Google+ Live Hangout On Air, as they share the week's tips and tricks related to the Google EDU universe. New privacy policy and terms of service, Public Alerts in Maps, and Google Earth 6.2 released. A discussion of Google Currents on the iPad and Google+ for teens age 13 and up. Threaded comments in Blogger, Street View's Pegman, and Tammy Worcester's cool spreadsheet templates for generating QR codes. Using QR codes with young kids and Google EDU gets a makeover. Our first On-Air Hangout in Google+ thanks to Harold Carey, Jr.! Related posts: Google Educast #28: Inside Search Education with Tasha (from @Google) Google Educast #048: Ex- “cite” -ing Times with Google Docs Google Educast #27: Change is Good (and Tough)