The Rudies on Swoop’s World Primetime

Swoop's World Radio show

Summary: On Thursday, August 2, 2012, at 1pm/PST, 4pm/EST, on Swoop’s World Primetime, Swoop and Peter welcome Lexington, KY based band,  The Rudies to the show.  Join us as we get a chance to chat with The Rudies and learn about their music.  Swoop’s World Primetime is on from 1pm/PST – 2pm/PST tune in at The Rudies Rudies, a group of cats playin reggae and ska, original and covers. Allowing influences from their different backgrounds and years of musical experience to create a signature sound. Listen to the show So if ska, reggae and punk are your drink of choice, The Rudies are the rum in ya cola!! Saint Jerrod (vox, keys, kaoss), Tengo (drums, vox), Mr.Cherry (bass, vox), El Jeffe (guitar, vox). Join us at 1pm/PST! Listeners can call in live or join in via our online chat right here at Swoops World Live, there’s more than enough fun for everyone! Not near the computer? You can also listen to Swoop’s World streaming live on your Smartphone. The Swoop’s World iPhone app is now available in the iTunes store. Download yours for free now! If using an Android or Blackberry you can find us using the Norbex Radio Companion, or, which works with all smartphones. Note: Some apps list by station name while others list show name. If you’re using the Norbex or Yourmuze apps we are listed as TalkStory Radio Network. Keep up with what’s happening here at Swoop’s World.  Sign up for our newsletter and be the first to know about upcoming guests and shows. Every episode of Swoop’s World is archived here on the website. You can find it the next day embedded with the weekly episode description. Or log onto iTunes and download it straight to your favorite MP3 player. Video chat by View more of the show here.