MacVoices #12105: WWDC 2012 – Oliver Breidenbach’s WWDC Impressions and New Product Features Tease

MacVoices show

Summary: Oliver Breidenbach of Boinx Software took some time off from a busy WWDC schedule to discuss his impressions of the keynote announcements, and a different perspective on the Mac Pro situation driven by changes in what we do and the power that Mac laptops deliver. Oliver also comments on why Apple’s combination both keeping up with the competition and innovating is so appealing to a developer, impressions of the new maps in iOS 6, and teases us with some information on the next release of FotoMagico. The video version of this episode is available on MacVoicesTV. Links Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices, MacVoicesTV, MacNotables and The MacJury, a group of shows and web sites that make up The MacVoices Group, and is part of MacLevelTen . You can catch up with what he’s doing by following him on Twitter, friending him on Facebook, or circling him on Google+. Subscribe to MacVoices in iTunes MacLevelTen – The Mac Media GroupOliver Breidenbach is the CEO of Boinx Software, headquartered in Puchheim, Germany. When not on the golf course, you can find Oliver on Twitter or Google+. BoinxTV – Boinx Software BoinxTV Home – Boinx Software FotoMagico 3 Home – Boinx Software FotoMagico Pro – Boinx Software The post MacVoices #12105: WWDC 2012 – Oliver Breidenbach’s WWDC Impressions and New Product Features Tease appeared first on MacVoices.The post MacVoices #12105: WWDC 2012 – Oliver Breidenbach’s WWDC Impressions and New Product Features Tease appeared first on MacVoices.