TNA Chat Live 10-04-12 now archived


Summary: This week on TNA Chat Live, the BronxFather broke down the latest news on TNA. With less than two weeks before Bound For Glory, Impact Wrestling left us with a LOT to think about. With all the turmoil going on in the tag team division, the apparent storyline heat that Austin Aries has with Jeff Hardy, and the announcement of who will be Sting’s partner at Bound For Glory against Aces and Eights, Bronxy had a lot to talk about. And, so did the many callers who chimed in with their questions and input regarding BFG, and what direction TNA may be going with their many open storylines. Who might turn on who? What will the future hold after BFG? And, a lot of talk on the MMA front, with King Mo debuting on Impact! At the end of the show, the BronxFather announced the SNS Radio Network nominating some shows for the Podcast Awards, and how you can participate! So don’t miss this week’s archive of TNA Chat Live, as Bound For Glory draws ever closer!<br> <a href=""></a><br>