Friday, October 5th, 2012

cortandfatboy » Podcast show

Summary: When Mike Russell is back - you'll know it. You'll know it by his voices, plentiful and ridiculous. You'll know it by how high the educational content of the show rises. You'll know it because we're talking about a LOT of movies. We talk about the clever (maybe a little too-clever) Looper, and the majestic, transcendent, angry The Master, and the depressingly throatchop free Taken 2. We also discuss the Lone Ranger trailer that just came out, and the parallels it shares with the pre-release atmosphere surrounding the first Pirates of the Caribbean, and the lessons Hollywood took away from the Dark Knight, and why those lessons are probably not the right ones. Oh, and maybe the most surreal commercial in a long time. Download audio file (10052012.mp3)