Episode 007 – “NoDon’t Make Me Wait”

Windows Developer Show show

Summary: Japan Relief Efforts Microsoft Disaster Response: Community Involvement American Red Cross Listener Feedback WPUG - Windows Phone User Group in London, UK News Microsoft Owns Up to NoDo Delay Update on the Windows Phone Marketplace Chris Walsh - Screenshots of Marketplace Improvements Marketplace Reaches 10,000 Downloaded Apps New Mobile Apps Are All About the Group Microsoft Mobile Market Share Has Dropped 1.7% Since WP7 Launch Microsoft Research Working On Windows Phone Projects HTC Trophy Launches Into the Outer Atmosphere Free Windows Azure Platform Trial Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Download App of the Week Quadra Developer: Elbert Perez (Twitter: @mechaghost) Music: SoundRangers Developer Tip of the Week Telerik RadControls for Windows Phone Telerik Examples Windows Phone App