Frank Joseph - The Atlantis Encyclopedia, The Lost Civilization of Lemuria and more

Unraveling the Secrets show

Summary: Well, Frank actually has a whole lot more in his portfolio than Atlantis and Lemuria. He'll share some of it with Dennis and Oz, talk about the upcoming Burlington Vortex Conference, his ongoing investigations at Rock Lake, Burrows Cave, the late Fred Rydholm, Michigan copper, and maybe a little bit about his book surrounding the Ark of the Covenant. Please join us. Some of Frank's works are "The Destruction of Atlantis", " The Lost Civilization of Lemuria, The Rise and Fall of the World’s Oldest Culture", " The Lost Treasure of King Juba, The Evidence of Africans in America before Columbus", "Survivors of Atlantis, Their Impact on World Culture". Frank also has two more books slated for release in 2010, "Advanced Civilizations of Prehistoric America, The Lost Kingdoms of the Adena, Hopewell, Mississippians, and Anasazi", and "Atlantis and 2012, The Science of the Lost Civilization and the Prophecies of the Maya".