Blaming the Victim

A Voice for Men show

Summary:   A the centre of an emerging political movement is an old idea. This is the mobilization of force, the changing of laws, the suppression of speech, and the exclusion of enemies, as designated by the hysterical crying of infantalized, post adult toddlers. At the heart of all this furious action is almost always a grave injustice. Which is to say, somebody’s feelings got hurt, but not just any somebody, a victim. And to assuage their pain, or sometimes just to quiet their bad acting – we, the emotionally driven, we the logic eschewing, we the conformists and the low status believers in orthodoxy and obeyers of authority will divide, slander, accuse, attack, and initiate violence on behalf of those who loudly self identify as victims, because although acting on their behalf, nobody can ever blame the victim. Nobody, except Girl Writes What, Typhon Blue and John the Other. Tonight on AVfM radio, along with the terrible three, you too are invited to blame the victim.   6 PM Pacific Time 8PM Central time