Kc305 : "Running your own home Linux Server".

Knightwise.com Mediafeed show

Summary: In this episode we give you some ideas and possibilities when it comes to building your own home Linux server. While putting an old clunker back to good use or using a VM, we give you tips and tricks on using the command line, CLI applications, web based interfaces remote desktop sessions or even terminal servers. Let technology work for you and build your own home linux server with this podcast as your loyal companion. Shownotes. What hardware to choose. What to consider. Installation Start out with ubuntu server install Set static ip and DNS. Choose packages Services Ssh Samba MiniDLNA. Dhcp. Dns etc. Command line applications Irssi Centerim Nano Newsbeuter Mc Alpine Twidge Googlecl W3m Gpodder Iptraf Xvidenc Byobu Virtualbox Web based interfaces Webmin Owncloud Apache Transmission Vuze Jdownloader Graphical user interface Choose your graphical desktop Lxde Xfce Gnome shell Unity Hook it up to a screen Use it as a workstation Hook it up to your tv Install xbmc X-forwarding Free nx Automating Automate scripts with cron Signoff