Solution Zone - Rights - 10/03/12

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Summary: Guest #1 David Gans - Civil Rights Director - Constitutional Accountability Center Topic: Supreme Court to Hear Civil Rights, Voting Rights Cases As the Supreme Court returns to work it will be considering both Civil and Voting Rights cases, but will the shift in the court since Samuel Alito joined the bench and John Roberts became Chief Justice negatively voting rights and affirmative action regarding higher education?. Guest # 2 Brentin Mock - Journalist  -The Nation,  Lead Reporter, Voting Rights Watch Topic: Voting Rights Victory - Pennsylvania Court Blocks GOP Voter Suppression Laws." In a major victory for voting rights - Judge Robert Simpson, of the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, ruled on Monday that the state’s new, restrictive and repressive, Voter ID law cannot stand, while across the country Voter Registration Laws pare being challenged and often overturned in court on the grounds that they are unconstitutional.