October Preview, Fargo TV Show, All-Female Expendables Movie, MacFarlane Hosting the Oscars, Looper Reviewed

GeekScholars Movie News show

Summary: Well, it's October, and so in this slightly expanded GeekScholars Movie News podcast, the crew looks at the upcoming month's highlights by telling you which movies they are most (and least) excited for, as well as their predictions on how each film will score on the Rotten Tomatoes freshness scale! Before that, however, this week's sho​w begins with a bunch of interesting news to discuss, including a potential ​Fargo​ television show, Tom Hardy in a biopic about George Mallory attempting to climb Mount Everest, Gina Carano starring in an all-females ​Expendables​-type movie, updates on ​Spy Hunter​, ​The Mummy ​reboot, and ​Dawn of the Planet Apes​, and finally the crew's thoughts on Seth MacFarlane being named the host of the 85th Annual Academy Awards. The show then concludes with GeekScholars Fox, Jill, and Chris offering their analyses and grades on their F- to A+ scale for​ Looper​, ​the highly anticipated time-travel action movie starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Bruce Willis.