Normalcy Bias

Reaching Your World with Luis Palau show

Summary: Growing up my father was a very tough businessman. While I was away at a British boarding school we had talked at length and had made many plans. But little did I know that he would die unexpectedly when I was only ten. Life wasn’t easy especially for my Mother, our family struggled financially. During these hard times, it can be so easy to wish that life would return to “normal.” I have a question: When you’re going through a difficult time do you cling to the hope that things will one day return to “normal”? But what if they don’t? Perhaps you also suffered a major loss such as the death of a parent or child. Perhaps your parents are getting a divorce or you’ve just been diagnosed with cancer. You may long for “the good old days” when things were less stressful. But we cannot go back. When tragedy strikes, whether it is the death of a family member or something like battling cancer, we’re forced to adjust to “the new normal” because life has changed sometimes forever. But, I have good news. God never changes!  “He is the same yesterday, today, and forever,” Hebrews tells me. Put your hope in the One who does not change. With Him, no matter what is going on around you, you can have inner peace. The Bible says that God loves us “with an everlasting love.”  This love transcends the loss of normalcy in our lives. Share this Good News with a friend in the midst of troubling change, and you never know what God will do in their life through you.