Zhena's Gypsy Tea: How A Mother’s Love Impacted The World

The Organic View show

Summary: What would you do if your child needed a kidney operation and you were a single mother with only a few dollars to your name? This is exactly what happened to a woman named Zhena Muzyka. After a great deal of thought, she decided that she would start her own business using her vast knowledge of aromatherapy, a passion for tea, her Gypsy grandmother’s teachings and a small collection of money from friends & family to make things happen. Initially, what began as a very small one woman shop soon grew into a very successful business. Zhena formulates organic, fair trade, Biodynamic tea blends and herbal tisanes to both improve both health and vitality. Zhena uses flowers, herbs and spices in medicinal form to enhance her flavor forward blends with aromatherapeutic health benefits, creating a following of loyal women who love her pure flavors and exotic combinations. Taking Fair Trade to the next level, Zhena's Gypsy Tea is engaged in self coined 'Direct Trade' model, one based on personal, long term, reciprocal relationships with the plantations that grow ther to tea to ensure reliable prices, a secure supply and a steady source of income for the communities whose livelihood depends on an otherwise volatile global tea market.  Working directly with small growers and out of the way tea gardens, Zhena personally visits her tea gardens in Sri Lanka, India, China and Africa to ensure their fair trade dollars are put to work to provide healthcare, guaranteed maternity leave, childcare, literacy, better working conditions, and autonomy, with a focus on women and children, a cause near to hear heart and based on personal experience. With the goal of alleviating poverty in developing nations through fair trade, Zhena has become a purveyor of hope in the guise of a successful, triple bottom line business. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer will speak to Zhena Muzyka.  Stay Tuned!