Fall Into Gardening! Fall Crop Selection & Plant Maintenance

The Organic View show

Summary:   Many people think that when the summer is over, garden season is over too.  In the colder climates, now is the perfect time to think about sewing cold weather crops and flowers. Fall is the time to plant mums, perennial sunflowers, sedums, asters and ornamental grasses. Pansies and other cool weather tolerant annuals such as ornamental kale are perfect because they light up the autumn and winter landscape, even with snow on the ground. These perennials, with careful selection, can offer instant beautification now and bloom again year after year. Let’s not forget that as the fall season approaches there is also a whole different approach to plant maintenance. Plants, as a rule, need fewer nutrients because they are heading towards winter dormancy. This is also the time of the year to work on turf as well as prepare for spring flowers. While there are so many plants to choose from, it all boils down to what your objective is as well as your budget. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer will speak to Horticultural expert, John Peter Thompson, who is President of the National Agricultural Research Alliance (http://www.NARA-B.org ). John Peter will talk about cold weather crops, perennial selection and fall maintenance of your garden. Stay tuned!