Author, Fred Ho: Diary of a Radical Cancer Warrior

The Organic View show

Summary:       It is amazing how many people get cancer and simply succumb to the disease. For Fred Ho, he decided to take a different approach and choose to live his life and demonstrate to others that there is life during chemo. He teaches us that to live life to the fullest, you should live in a perfect state of presence which is more meaningful as opposed to simply living in a perfect state of health. After being diagnosed with cancer for the fourth time, Fred chooses to follow a raw food diet as opposed to allowing the doctors to operate and remove his rectum. This is something his doctor discourages but Fred, who is determined to try things quite differently. In Diary of a Radical Cancer Warrior, Fred discusses his battle intimately. Like all great warriors from Sun Tzu to Bruce Lee, Fred chose to write his astonishing cancer memoir as a diary, acknowledging that all the greatest warriors wrote daily diaries because warfare against a most formidable enemy will be won, ultimately, on the philosophical level. His diary will make you laugh, will make you cry and will make you wonder what part do the big chemical corporations play in making so many people like Fred, get so sick. Fred leads by example as he demonstrates his will to fight, even during some of the most physically painful moments of his life. In this segment of The Organic View Radio Show, host, June Stoyer talks to Fred Ho. Stay tuned!