Beyond the Veil Take 12: Meow?

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Beyond the Veil: The Secret World show

Summary: This week the cast their thoughts on the The Secret World and much, much more!! Take a listen as we discuss our love of The Secret World in a casual and friendly atmosphere. Beyond the Veil is a Community based weekly talk show sponsored by Be sure to tune in Mondays and listen to our audio remastered shows. Looking for a Cabal? look us up in The Secret World @ Beyond The Veil: New York, London or Seoul. Host/Exc. Producer: Xander Hayes CoHost: Bishop Audio Engineer: DionSol Remaster Engineer: Xander Hayes Content Manager: Ocalot Email: Twitter: @TheXanderZones Beyond The Veil's theam song by Simon Pool & Marc Canham Beyond The Veil's Logo by Xander Hayes Show Notes   Buff T_Shirt code TSWBUFFEDTSHIRT  It Came From The Devs Issue three is live: Ragnar Changing positions: All free funcom points will expire September 30th at the end of the day Around the Web Ye olde Items Interview with  New CEO Ole Schreiner (This is the interview where the new f2p talk is coming from): Article for free to play call example: Is the problem with mmo the players, a rant: to go with this a player makes the comparison of the game to a restaurant: New Items Alienware giving out thirty (30) percent off codes: From the Community The Revolution party is oct 6th: Does the game need fluff: More ingame events to happen in the future: Join us Live on Thursday nights at 7pm EST over at Holosuite Excess. Talk to us via our chat channel.