QuadCast Episode 48; Swim, Race, Train, Repeat!

The Quadrathon Podcast show

Summary: Hi and welcome back! This is another show recorded with Barb, during which we chat about her race and injury, my swimming and biking and generally chit chat away for an hour! We had a few technical problems with Skype so hang on in there on the quality front...it's all good in the end! This will be the show around Christmas so wishing you and yours a good one! As always you can email me with comments or questions please feel free to drop me a line a quadrathon@gmail.com, follow me on twitter.com as @quadrathon or read the blog at quadrathon.blogspot.com. You can also follow my training on Daily Mile just search for Stuart B Barb can be found on Twitter, Daily Mile and Facebook as Kelownagurl and check her blog at kelownagurl.blogspot.com where you can find links to her podcast which can also be found on iTunes. Thanks for listening..