WNL 01-24-11 now archived


Summary: WNL Returned to the airwaves on 1-24-11 with “The Bad Boys of Wrestling Radio” “The Outlaw of the IWC” The TreyDawg and “Mr. Money on the Mic” JJ(ALL CAPS)$exay.<br><br> JJ and Trey were joined by Rick of the Carnage Crew to unveil the latest innovation between the Carnage Crew and the SNS Radio Network that completely changes the way that the listeners can hear the show.JJ ran down the latest news of the week sponsored by Wrestling-Online.con and Shelly Martinez stopped by to promote her newest website and in true WNL Fashion there was even talk about 3’s company and saved by the bell. After the 1st break JJ talked about the recent IWC meltdown over comments made by Low Ki formerly Kaval in the WWE before jumping into the 1-24 edition of RAW . JJ and Trey opened up the phone lines to give out more numbers in the SNS Royal Rumble Listener Roulette before reading the emails and wrapping the show.<br> <a href="http://www.snsradionetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/wnl3.jpg"></a><br>