United States of Geekdom Special Edition: “There’s No Shwaarma in Ohio”

United States of Geekdom show

Summary: Here it is, because no one demanded it. The USG summer movie recap....kind of.  To be honest we didn't really see too much this summer in theaters.  It is was literally every other week that I got myself to a theater to catch a flick.  Just not that much that really grabbed my attention.  I did a lot of home viewing and was happy to do so and save a little money in the process.  Anyway, the movies we DID see are definitely covered in the show and Andrew and I kinda sorta review The Dark Knight Rises.....well, we give it a little more attention than the other movies because I think we are the last two podcasters out there who didn't give it a review.  Anyway, enjoy the episode, and stay geeky! Music Used in the show: NyanCat by: Daniwell-P/Momone Momo UTAU The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny by: Lemon Demon