TERRA 510: On the Wing PART FOUR

TERRA: The Nature of Our World show

Summary: Now in its 8th sea­son, TERRA: The Nature of Our World is the pre­em­i­nent sci­ence and nat­ural his­tory pod­cast series that explores the nat­ural con­nec­tions that pro­pel life on Earth. Over­seen by grad­u­ate stu­dents in the MFA in Sci­ence and Nat­ural His­tory Film­mak­ing Pro­gram at Mon­tana State Uni­ver­sity, TERRA dis­trib­utes inde­pen­dently pro­duced sci­ence, nature, and envi­ron­men­tal films. We are proud to bring you these unique sto­ries from around the globe that cel­e­brate the won­ders of the nat­ural world. We invite you to enjoy these vignettes of the peo­ple, places and ani­mals that make up the heart and soul of life on Terra. Since TERRA’s incep­tion, our thought pro­vok­ing films have reached over ten mil­lion view­ers. With each new episode we fea­ture pow­er­ful sto­ry­telling that show­cases the diver­sity of our planet. A heart­felt thanks goes out to the hun­dreds of film­mak­ers who have con­tributed their films to TERRA; with­out their gen­eros­ity, none of this would be pos­si­ble. And per­haps most of all, we thank you for watch­ing and for join­ing the TERRA com­mu­nity. Your feed­back allows us to deliver fresh and inspir­ing content.