Episode 66 - Lynda Smith

Customer Experience  show

Summary:   Lynda has a passionate love of people and their development to be our future leaders. With 35  years of business experience behind her, she is a master networker, innovator and big-picture thinker and is putting her unique skills to work as CEO of Refirement Network, a business involved in helping organisations and Baby Boomers understand the opportunities and challenges the future holds for this particular demographic group. Her work focuses around helping Baby Boomers plan for their next season of life and identify where they can still add value in business and society. She partners with organisations to develop business strategies designed to retain the necessary skills, experience and wisdom of the Boomers that is at risk if they leave prematurely. Refirement Network hosts conferences, workshops and other public events, is involved in educating organisations and Baby Boomers through the media, assists companies with Baby Boomer strategy and wisdom preservation, and conducts life coaching for the retirement years. She can be reached via her website www.refiremenrnetwork.com