Gay Pimpin' with Jonny McGovern, 12/8/09

Gayest Of All Time With Jonny McGovern show

Summary: Thank you Gay Jesus!! Holy Hallelujah....The "Bossy Bottom" Video Premiere is here! We FINALLY get to celebrate the release of Jonny and Team Pimp's long time coming, sexy new super video! Plus: Peppermint stops by to tell us about her hot, new A.Jo produced album, "Hardcore Glamour", DJ Nita and One Half Nelson spill the tea on their Mr Black 2033 Tour adventures and Glammy Award creator, Miss Cherry Jubliee, dishes on the 10 years of Glammy ceremonies and her feud with Sophia Lamar and Intern Tammy tells us about his experience and The Marriage Equality March on Washington! Brought to you by