1UP.com - Games, Dammit! - 12/03/2010

1UP.com - 1UP Radio show

Summary: Just because most of the big blockbuster titles have shipped doesn't mean there's not enough lovable nonsense to podcast about this week. The big thing occupying our minds is our imminent office move, and how our prepwork for said mode has unearthed some awesome treasure from the glory days of print magazines. Games-wise, we talk up Darkstar (and how it features, in Frank's words, "the memory of handsome"), Infinity Blade, Binary Domain, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, and even more Splatterhouse. Then we chat a bit about Matt's venture to Los Angeles, and our digressions include going from Uncharted to Lethal Weapon, and whether or not there's a massage in Punch-Out!! Questions lead to topics like: NES-era difficulty, why Xbox Live Indies aren't in all countries, how Mass Effect is like Grindhouse, Game of the Year nominations, and how Scooter handles gaming with his kids.