1UP.com - Games, Dammit! - 02/18/2011

1UP.com - 1UP Radio show

Summary: The Games, Dammit foursome are reunited now that Matt Leone and Scooter are back from Las Vegas. Topics for the week include follow-through from the Duke Nukem Titty City discussion, the Dead Island trailer that everyone else talks about, the Smithsonian's game exhibit (and how Frank and Scooter ended up being on the advisory board for a different museum), the fame of Felicia Day, Double Fine's Once Upon A Monster, and the non-development of Mirror's Edge 2. Then we tackle questions about the review process, whether we want to truly see Mass Effect's Tali unmasked, and what sci-fi books would make good adventure games. Also, we briefly break an embargo, but rather than delete the conversation altogether, we edited it to feature dinosaurs in its place. Enjoy until next week!