Childhood Obesity | DRS-78

The Dr. Rob Show - Healthy Weight Loss Podcast show

Summary: In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we start off talking about Charlie's experience attending the monday night Seahawks Vs. Packers game and the horrible officiating that lead the NFL to take action with the Referee Lockout. We also give some shout outs to our listeners that gave us a review on iTunes. In our main topic of discussion we talk about CHILDHOOD OBESITY based on an article Dr. Rob came across. We explain that, yes the parents to play a role in what their child is consuming. However, with all the misinformation out there regarding what we should eat and how much, it is hard for the parent to figure out what and how they should be eating, let alone what and how your child should be eating. Dr. Rob explains the hardships we all face when it comes to food consumption and exercise and how we can over come these issues. We reach out to our listening audience and ask you to send us the problems you face on a day to day basis in either obtaining or MAINTAINING YOUR WEIGHT LOSS GOALS. E-mail us at or reach us on Facebook explaining your hardships and what you feel you need help with the most.   In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show..... Discuss Childhood Obesity Discuss what parents can do to help their children Discuss all the hardships we face on a day to day basis What do you think? What are your biggest struggles with your weight and/or your children's weight? Take Action! We want to hear your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook