EPISODE 223 – Something In The Attic

Who Asked You? show

Summary: A word of warning... you may be weirded and/or creeped out a couple of times during this week's show. For the weird part, Charlie inexplicably has a British accent during the entire episode. He may have had a stroke, or a long conversation with Madonna. We can't be sure. It is however a little weird. The creepiness, like pretty much all of our shows, comes from not just the stories we talk about but the hosts as well. Today you'll hear Jabari's rape voice and mine as well. Creepy... 'nuff said. But the real creep factor comes in at the end of the show during Breaking News. More on that in a moment. We take a short trip down memory lane thanks to a listener E-Mail asking us how we came up with our show's name. We cover this at every convention panel we've done so far, but I'm not sure if it was ever talked about on the show. It probably was, we just don't remember. They all start to blend together after seventy or so episodes. One of our hosts was responsible for coming up with the "questionable" name... get it? Because our name is a question? Yeah, listen in to find out who. You'll also hear what the original title of our podcast was going to be. And, while rummaging through some hard drives thanks to a new hard drive dock I just bought — which you'll also hear about on today's show — I even ran across the original theme music we were going to use. The format and premise of that program never took off and was ultimately mutated into what you see and hear before you today. Did we make the right choice? Let us know! And after their absence, followed by a week off, then a bump due to being short on time last week, it is FINALLY time to check in with Jabari and Dennis on our new Fantasy Football Update segment. We also discuss the whole referee debacle and along with that we play you a clip from NBC's SUNDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL in which the crowd lets the temporary refs know just how they felt about a "bullshit" call one of them made against the Ravens coach. It'll likely be the only time you'll hear such words chanted over and over again on network television. We also tell you about a long awaited sequel to the Farrelly brothers' DUMB AND DUMBER film. They twatted that the script is nearing completion and the film will be called DUMB AND DUMBER TO. Not a typo there. And on the small screen, a twice canceled show on NBC and ABC is being revived. Not on TV though but on stage. SCRUBS will be turned into a musical according to the show's creator, Bill Lawrence. We chat about the good and bad of SCRUBS' run and more. Gamers want bigger titties! That's according to feedback Gamasutra got regarding the female characters in the new DEAD OR ALIVE 5. Apparently, going off direction from their corporate overlords, they intended to tone down the sexiness of those female fighters. But after fans played the demo, they let Gamasutra know that the ladies weren't cuttin' it. So, the programmers piled on the chest pixels and here we are with DOA 5 back to it's big-busted self. Do you know what someone is doing when they're butt-chugging? If not, you'll find out on this episode. And devastating news from the golden arches. It turns out, in a flat-out act of pure greed, they're gonna make you wait until December before you can sink your teeth into the McRib sandwich. Personally, I don't eat 'meat products' shaped like what they're 'trying' to taste like, so this news doesn't really affect me, or any of the Who Asked You? Crew. But we felt like you should know in case you're a fan of it. And now, that creepy bit of news... in South Carolina a woman was shocked to discover something lurking in her attic. I don't want to spoil it here. I will say, it was watching her, made itself at home up there and required large cups to hold its waste. That bit alone prompts a segue into Jenkem Watch! I think I've said too much already. Go listen to the show, then check your attic just to be on the safe side. SHOW LINKS: