Elite Force Podcast 4-15-12 now archived


Summary: The British Invasion Is Back in Full Force<br> as This Weekends Elite Force Podcast as<br> Mindwipe Took Over as Walkie was away to Be<br> with Family as on This Episode  Mindwipe<br> was Joined By Phoenix Bondi of Chris Jones<br> Gaming As This Weekend EFP Mindwipe and Nix<br> Look at what is going on in the News in the<br> World of Sci-Fi and Also Presents Some Great<br> Music in With Next week being The sci-Fi Music<br> show<br> Amongst This Episode Discussions<br> .Short Circuit Remake: New Johnny 5 Will Be “Threatening”<br> .Want more touch wood – convince russle t davis to come back<br> .Did Bob Kane And DC Comics Steal The Idea For Batman?<br> .Supernatural Season 8: Proof There’ll Be One?<br> .josh wheedon explains how to unrealistly bring back firefly<br> .Edward Norton, Sean Penn and Gael Garcia Bernal linked with RoboCop<br> .with This Week Marking the 3rd Anniversary of The Elite Force Podcast<br> and Mindwipe Let u all know a way to send in a Anniversary Message<br> that will be played Next Week<br> The Invasion is Here<br> on The Latest Episode<br> of The Weekend<br> Elite Force Podcast<br> <a href="http://smashedmedia.us/sns2/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/EFP_41512SNSArt1.png"></a><br>