Elite Force Podcast 6-8-12 Now Archived


Summary: Chuckw returns with some interesting scifi news<br> This episode is a short one and Chuckw explains why<br> But were sure you will enjoy it!<br> This weeks headlines:<br> .Here’s what Michael Bay says he’s gonna change in Transformers 4<br> .Rumor of the Day: Marvel’s Black Panther already has a release date<br> .Nick Fury Joins “RoboCop”<br> .”Apes” Sequel Confirmed<br> .Chuck announces that the midweek e-mail is now live<br> You can e-mail the midweek show at midweek@eliteforcepodcast.com<br> “Something’s better than nothing, more is better than something, but too much can also be damaging.”<br> David Thomas<br> <a href="http://eliteforcepodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/EFP_6812SNSArt1.png"></a><br>