Elite Force Podcast 6-10-12 Now Archived


Summary: Once Again is The Time of the Year That The<br> World of Video Gaming Enjoy The Big Event<br> of This Years E3 and On This Weekend Elite<br> Force Walkie and Mindwipe Returned as They<br> Breing u all sorts of Reviews from the Movies<br> and Video Games<br> Amongst This Episode Discussions<br> .Walkie and Mindwipe Talk about the Upcoming<br> Sci-Fi Video Games That Was Shown from E3 From<br> Nintendo Sony Microsoft and The The Others and<br> Talk about the Games that they Look Foward to<br> and even those that makes them go Meh<br> .The Hosts Also Talk about The Passing of Sci<br> -Fi Legend Ray Bradbury and The Mark That He Left<br> on Science_fiction<br> .Walkie Reviews Both Men In Black 3 and Prometheus<br> .Mindwipe Reviews Superman vs The Elite<br> All This on This Reviewd<br> Packed Episode of<br> The Weekend<br> Elite Force Podcast<br> <a href="http://smashedmedia.us/sns2/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/EFP_61012SNSArt.png"></a><br>