Running The Ropes 06-14-12 now archived


Summary: Running The Ropes returned to the SNS and Unchained Radio Networks for a very special show. Crelly starts the show with Rima Fakih but before they can get into an interview, Rima’s mother calls in and wrestling goes out the window. After Rima and her mother leave, Crelly runs down TNA Slammiversary and Raw before handing the show over to WNL’s Trey Dawg and our guest Kevin Nash. In the interview, Kevin and Trey spoke about the following: why there was no Punk Nash payoff match…. Why his last WWE run was so short. jokes about him killing WCW How Russo gets way too much heat How the finish to a match is created and how its out of the Writers hands The Creative Process at TNA and when it was at its best The NEW creative team at TNA Why he would rather have a Legends Contract at WWE vs a Contract with TNA Why he was mad and his thoughts on the WWE Hall of Fame and much more!<br> <a href=""></a><br>