Running The Ropes 06-29-12 now archived


Summary: Sorry for the delay folks! Chris just got a little too much happy juice last night and couldn’t do the show. So the guys brought it back a little late but go over a TON of news including Maxine departing the WWE due to frustration, Eve Torres on Raw, Charlie Sheen on the 1000th episode of Raw, and a big discussion on whether or not Joey Ryan truly deserves to be in TNA.<br> After the break, the guys go into a bit of a dismal turn as they go over WWE Raw. The talk included a discussion on John Cena’s Star Wars promo, Vickie Guerrero informing him and Chris Jericho that they were in the Money In The Bank match for the WWE title…after they already announced it in the same 5-minute period, and a discussion on Psycho Sid showing up in WWE and not some indie events that Reby Sky is involved in.<br> The guys then cross the line and go over TNA Impact. This works out since Chris watched it before the show. Discussions included how Jeff Hardy, RVD, and Mr. Anderson keep wrestling each other in either 3-ways or two of any combination and AJ Styles becoming the baby daddy to Claire Lynch’s unborn child.<br> All this and more on the official podcast of the Unchained Wrestling Network, Running The Ropes on the SNS Radio Network!<br> <a href=""></a><br>