Healing Through Creativity – Does God Allow Suffering? Healing, Transcendence and other Modern Dilemmas

Healing Through Creativity - Desiree Cox MD, PhD show

Summary: Does God allow suffering? Is Transcendence possible in modern society? What does liberation mean in contemporary modern life? And what, if anything, does any of this have to do with healing, and more specifically healing through creativity? This week our ‘Healing Through Creativity’ host Dr. Desiree Cox (http://www.desireecox.com)explores the limits of healing through creativity with sociologist Dr Paul Gilfillan. ‘Does healing always involve creativity? Dr. Cox asks. She explores issues of transcendence, liberation and healing with her guest, sociology lecturer Paul Gilfillan (http://www.qmu.ac.uk/mcs/mcc/Staff/PaulGilfillanSummary.htm)from Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, Scotland. Paul has published academic papers on theological understandings of liberation, transcendence and self-appropriation and is currently working on a book the subject. He is also active in community projects relating to this area of interest. Cox and Gilfillan discuss some of the stresses of modern life in affluent Western societies. ‘What is society? What do we even mean by terms like society and culture?’ asks Cox. ‘Can we even talk about what healing might mean for an individual at a personal level without dealing with how living in contemporary societies affects the way we relate to others and to ourselves?’ Gilfillan shares healing, and what healing means for him as a Catholic. ‘How can we be modern and Christian?’ asks Gilfillan. This question, which has been debated in theological circles since the dawn of modernity, is in some ways akin to the complex issues built into secular debates about healing, transcendence and liberation in modern life, and what journeys of healing through creativity might mean today. Learn about healing, transcendence, liberation and self-appropriation in this week’s conversation with Dr Desiree Cox and sociologist Paul Gilfillan. You can also find out more about Dr Cox from her website www.desireecox.com (http://www.desireecox.com)