Freedom from Food - Your Emotions and Your Weight

MagnificentMenopause show

Summary: Weight loss expert Patricia Bisch, Ma, MFt, introduces a revolutionary way to understand food at its most fundamental level—as energy—and our body as a system inherently designed to return to its healthiest state: perfect proportion, and she does this through her training program and book: Freedom From Food: A Quantum Weight Loss Approach. Patricia is a recovered overeater, having suffered the problem thirty years ago. She overcame her debilitating and painful issues with food and went on to carve out a career helping others do the same. She has three decades of experience as a therapist and workshop leader and is an audience favorite at the symposiums and workshops she regularly participates in. Patricia is widely sought for her upbeat, lively presentations and highly original ideas about health, and she firmly believes that conventional diets simply don’t work. What does work is a healthier attitude ABOUT food and relationship WITH food. Today she joins us to teach us how to achieve both!  (PART TWO of a three part interview)