Repost: Podcast with Singer and Zen Mama Tara MacLean Podcast show

Summary: I’m heading to Salt Spring Island here in British Columbia for the weekend. It’s my first time, and so I decided to re-air my interview with the lovely zen mama and Salt Spring resident Tara MacLean. Happy listening! The now-defunct website once named me its “Best Teacher of Zen Motherhood”. I should have gotten a screen cap so that I could prove this, but since it’s now gone you’ll have to take my word for it. Since I often feel less-than-zen, I found this both flattering and a little bit surprising. But today on the podcast I’m thrilled to share an interview with one seriously zen mama, Tara MacLean Grand. Tara is most famous as a singer/songwriter. She’s worked as a solo artist and as part of the group “Shaye”. She’s also been part of a Canadian reality TV show. She’s toured internationally, appeared on Conan, and signed with some major record labels. And then she had babies, and she switched gears. In speaking with Tara, I discovered someone who really embraces life, and jumps in to new experiences. In addition to being a singer/songwriter she’s a doula, the prenatal consultant to her husband’s company Moksha Yoga, and an ordained minister. As someone who tends towards being overcautious, I find the way that Tara follows her passions to be inspiring. Former podcast guest Christine Pilkington agrees, which is why Tara MacLean will be a video presenter at the Leading Moms event in Vancouver next week. If you’re in the area, you may want to check it out. During our conversation Tara and I talked about music, motherhood, yoga, suffering, childbirth and the meaning of life. Tara leaps from profound truths to humour, and I think maybe that really is what makes her a model zen mama. She knows what matters, and she also knows not to take it all too seriously. We could all use a little bit more of that, I think. Whether you’re a musician, a mom, or you could just use a little inspiration, I encourage you to listen to the podcast: Next week I’ll be sharing a podcast on body acceptance with Jennifer Rowe, who blogs at Fat and Not Afraid. I’m really looking forward to it. If you’ve ever struggled with your own self-image, you’ll want to tune in. Subscribe to my podcast in iTunes and you won’t miss a minute! Also, if you have a podcast idea, please share it with me. I’d love to hear your suggestions!