Running The Ropes 09-28-12 now archived


Summary: Brian has been so happy this week that the “savior of the Divas Division”, Kelly Kelly has been released from the WWE. Also, there’s rumors going around for Jerry Lawler’s return scheduled for early 2013. Who’s going to replace him? Speaking of WWE, who’s going to be the new top guy to carry the company while John Cena is recovering? Certainly it couldn’t be…oh I dunno…a CHAMPION of anything, right? Finally, WWE is considering instant replays for their matches. It was a cool rare thing on WCW but can it work today? Find out Brian and Chris’ thoughts on this.<br> Over at TNA, the Knockouts are a little down in morale thanks to the lack of push and members. Find out the guys’ thoughts on this as well as a breakdown of this week in wrestling on Running The Ropes, the official podcast of the Unchained Wrestling Network and on the SNS Radio Network!<br><br><br> <a href=""></a><br>