Steve Steere's BuBees Permaculture Podcast Episode 59

Permaculture Podcast show

Summary: Greetings Permaculture Podcast dot Org Listeners and Suspporters, I heartily welcome you back after a long hiatus. In this episode I share and interview with Steve Steere owner of Bubees the place to purchase beautiful tung oil finished top bar behives lovingly crafted out of dutifully salvaged lumber! This is a business model that screams "PERMACULTURE". I hope I have enticed you to dig into this episode and get inspired to add the api element to your designs and living arrangements! Visit Steve's website or write him at the following email address. To get involved with the bee's and to learn more in person look up your local bee keeping society. Below is the link to the enthusiastic bee keeping group invites the greater Los Angeles and Orange county areas! Now that I have provided relevant information to this podcast release I would like to share a few more thoughts, laughs, personal events and what to expect in the future from permaculture podcast dot org. Laughs! First a few light hearted thoughts on bee's. One of the messages shared in this talk is to get comfortable with bee's and not to fear them. I especially like this because I grew up with a bee sting allergy, carrying an "epipen" (an epinephrine shot to counter act anaphylaxis). To drive this point home I would like to share two video clips First the comedy clip about scary bees Followed by a clip from the Global Gardener series where Bill is chatting with an African student about top bar hives. I particularly appreciate the jab and response about killer african bees 5:38! Both clips should be good for a little laugh, of course the global gardener clip is a bit more instructive! Personal events and what to expect in the future from Permaculture Podcast dot org! Last weekend I was married to the absolutely wonderful Cindy Downing! Preparing for the event can account for my considerable absence from positng episodes. While I would like to be at home spending time with my lovely new wife, I am currently away from home in central california working on another environmental remediation project. So my first weekend of married life I find myself in a hotel working on the podcast. Funny how life works out sometimes. I share this with you for good reason, in the past the posts to the podcast have been most prolific when I have been staying in hotels working on projects. I know that in the case of a newlywed that distance makes the heart grow fonder. I am fairly certain that is not the case for podcast listening, and time between releases does not make listeners appreciation grow. That being said I will post an interview with Ron Finley that I recorded many months ago tomorrow. (After and inquiry from Ron about a month ago I promised that I would post it by the end of September if I get that thing online by midnight tomorrow I will have made good on my promise). Are there more interviews in the que waiting to happen? I will be talking tomorrow night with organizers working on the 2012 Northern California Permaculture Convergence which will be held the weekend of October 12-14 at Green Fields Farm in Castro Valley ( I will be attending the convergence and looking to record presentations there to turn into podcasts. Speaking of permaculture convergences the Scandanavian Permaculture Convergence recently took place as well. My Swedish/Nicaraguan permaculture partner in crime presented about Finca Montesano (our project) and the related NGO CIPP (centro integral para la propagacion de la permacultura). I was promised a recording and a set of slides from the presentation to share as a podcast. Some of the other presenters were recorded and are interested in sharing with the podcast as logistics and editing get worked out I will post those talks. I have been sending emails back and forth with Richo of Horizon Herbs I hope to connect with him for an interview soon. Jodi Levine has set me up to converse with Jon Young sometime in the near future as well. Scott Mann of Permaculture Podcast dot com reached out to me and we are looking for an appropriate way for us to collaborate and help one another out in our permacutlure podcasting efforts! (I felt very grateful that Scott "beat me to the punch" in extending an invitation to collaboration as I had been intending to take that action durring the lull while I was neglecting my podcast (podcasting ideas, inspirations and free time do not always coincide). With all the potential content there and a little bit of free time in a hotel room I hope to produce some new content for all you permaculture podcast dot org listeners. As always thank you for listening and supporting permaculture podcast dot org, Ryan Unmack read more