No More Free Ride Zone In Seattle And Other News

The Conversation Podcast show

Summary: The End Of The Free–Ride Zone Bus riders in King County are in for some major transition. On Saturday, Metro Transit will flip the switch on its biggest service change in recent history. KUOW's Liz Jones has more on Metro's plans. Hispanic Name Can Hurt Election Results There's more evidence that a Hispanic last name on the ballot can hurt a candidate's chances. Olympia Correspondent Austin Jenkins has the details of a new analysis of the trend released on Wednesday. The Latino Vote — Part Four Why do Latinos have so little clout in Northwest politics, even though they're the region's largest minority group? One reason: Latinos are a younger demographic. And younger people — no matter what their ethnicity — are much less likely to vote than older people. Anna King has our story. Wait Times For Veterans Members of the U.S. military returning home from combat are joining a growing line of veterans waiting for help from the Department of Veterans Affairs. In Washington state, average wait times are now 235 days — almost eight months. Jeff Severns Guntzel has the story.