My Three Shrinks 25: Sibling Reveille

My Three Shrinks show

Summary: June 17, 2007: Sibling Reveille Topics include: * Clink wonders if iPOD USERS have more musical auditory hallucinations. But, can deaf people get auditory hallucinations, or do they hallucinate people signing at them? "Yes, We Have No Bananas" seems to be a popular musical hallucination with older folks. Wonder if "Reveille" is heard by folks who were in the military? This is clearly a wake-up call for all you iPod users. * KevinMD placed us on his "Power 8" list of medical blogs with an "exceptional week" of blogging, particularly noting Clink's post on forensic psychiatry issues raised by the latest PARIS HILTON SAGA, which also leads to a discussion of the Goldwater Rule, of high profile cases (like Cho... see Face to Face and Unspeakable), and of freedom of speech. * Dinah talks a bit about Dr Melfi's firing of TONY SOPRANO. * We talk at length about a June 2007 AJP article by Waldinger, Vaillant, and Orav, entitled "CHILDHOOD SIBLING RELATIONSHIPS AS A PREDICTOR OF MAJOR DEPRESSION IN ADULTHOOD: A 30-Year Prospective Study." This is an amazing study in that they followed a group of some 229 men from age 20 to age 50, doing lots of interviews and tests along the way. In this analysis, they looked at the quality of their sibling and parental relationships, as well as family history of mood disorder, and made a surprising finding. Send us your general questions at mythreeshrinksATgmailDOTcom.Go to for show notes with links.