WNL 9-25-12 now archived


Summary: <a href="http://www.snsradionetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/wnl5.jpg"></a><br> WNL returned to the airwaves on the SNS Radio Network (www.snsradionetwork.com) on Tuesday Sept 25, 2012 with “Mr. Money on the Mic”JJ (ALL CAPS) $exay.<br> JJ opened the show updating the listeners on the status of the TreyDawg who is currently on a sabbatical from wrestling in general. “The Bronx-Father”Tony J.Mirabella joined the show and the boys jumped right into the RAW Recap. JJ discussed an article regarding a rumour that there was some “älleged” heat between John Cena and Vince McMahon and Bronxie chimed in his thoughts on the Ãlleged”subject. JJ randown the latest “News of the Week”sponsored by Wrestling-Online.com including a story on WWE Announcer Justin Roberts recent incidents with the Police in 2 seperate countries. JJ opened the phone lines and read a few emails before wrapping the show with a special “SOTN”dedicated to Justin Roberts lead foot on this latest episode of WNL.<br>