MYMHM140: 2011 Action Double Feature! Movies You May Have Missed

Movies You May Have Missed - HD show

Summary: These two movies were both films we wished had gotten more eyes on them in 2011, but since we don't own time machines (...YET!) we can at least get more eyes on them now via streaming rentals. Hanna is about a young girl raised by her father (Eric Bana - are we surprised?) to be an assasin/secret agent/survivor. She takes on Cate Blanchett. OF COURSE you want to see this. Super, starring Raine Wilson, is another in the vein of the trod-upon guy becoming a sort-of vigilante, but don't make the mistake of thinking you've already seen too many of these. This one has to be on your list for the interesting twists it takes, the darkness of the plot, and the fact that KEVIN BACON is in this. Boom. * Support MYMHM! * Shop for 'Hanna' on Amazon: * Shop for 'Super' on Amazon: