Declaration of Socialism

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: While Americans are mezmerized watching FoxNews and other programed American media networks right before their very eyes LIBERTY is eroding. Today A Judge dismissed Dominique Strauss-Kahn based on ZERO evidence or proof. WOW is it possiable George Bush and his Dept. of Homeland in A joint task w/ The FBI were WRONG listening to A little whore make up lies and stories about her being raped?  CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS were given to us by our founding fathers but taken from us by The KINGS. Are you aware if an American born was in the shoes of Dominique Strauss-Kahn they would have LESS RIGHTS then A non USA born? Under the Geroge Bush & Republican lead house / senate political officials granted Departments of the Federal Government. un limited power over we the people.  Under The Laws of The Patriot Act if we are arrested we dont havee the right to retain A lawyer nor can we tell anybody about the so called CRIMES. Infact we can be held w/ out charges being charged for A year w/ out any declaration of charges for 365 & even that can NOW be extended for Americans. Does this sound like The United States Of America? The GOD of all Republican GOD's George Bush said in A quote : “Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a god-damned piece of paper!” Yet in tears were so many he could not run for A third Presidential term. President Obama is George Bush TERM III in A ditto style admin. All this yet why do we as Americans careless and less and simply accept the NEW AMERICA where the FEDERAL Govt. rules as MASTER & KING and they let us know EVERYTHING and anything. GW & Obama supporting gun control also isnt that A scary idea? 1 vote on the US Supreme Court was the difference. So TONIGHT do you want your rights back or dont you? CPT wants to here from you agree or not call or chat