Top 5 Myths and Misconceptions about Conservatives

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Many people (especially liberals) have misconceptions about conservatives.Though most of the myths can easily be debuncted some seem to stick, and liberals are quick to pounce on them for political gain.Barack Obama once said that people in rural areas tend to "cling to their religion and their guns" and while he issued an apology,the media done little to refute the claim.Infact they perpetuated the statement by hinting that the statement was insensitive but true.Tonight on Conservative Primetime we will talk about the Top 5 myths and misconceptions about Conservatives. While overall its not important what Obama or the media thinks,lets examine ourselves and debunct these liberal lies.(Like Sarge says "REJECT THE PREMISE OF THEIR ARGUEMENT".So join us tonight for another edition of Conservative Primetime.Here are the top 5 myths we will discuss. 1: Conservatives are religious zealots 2: Conservatives are racists 3: Conservatives are homophobes 4: Conservatives are warmongers 5: Conservatives oppose Immigration