Diminish The Reach Of The Federal Government

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: One of the hallmarks of modern conservatism is the concept of smaller government, but the problem is that both sides of the political aisle have played key roles in the massive expansion of government at the federal level. The scope and reach of federal power is elephantine, spreading into so many areas of individual life, and these days that power shows no sign of diminishing without some sort of intervention. I believe that conservatives and libertarians, as believers in the power of freedom, should unite to stem the growth and reduce the scope of the federal government. Of course, it’s remarkably easy to point to the health care law as an example of the overgrown federal behemoth — and it truly is an obvious target — but what the Right loves to call the “nanny state” is an unfortunate reality in so many ways. And let’s not forget First Lady Michelle Obama. She has turned nanny statism into a crusade of the highest order with her obesity obsession. She’s gone after school lunches as well as restaurant menus in her attempts to tell us and our children what we should and shouldn’t eat.