Peace Through Strength

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: The past decade has been a difficult one for our military: fighting two controversial wars, putting up with an anti-war movement unlike anything we’ve seen since Vietnam, combating unconventional enemies — not to mention the difficulties our military families face on a regular basis. Our brave men and women in uniform have not only had to battle Islamic terrorists, but they’ve also had to put up with rhetoric from all corners of the Left that has belittled them and diminished their efforts. It’s a shame to see our military treated with the contempt they’ve received from the Left. President Ronald Reagan firmly believed in and promoted the concept of “peace through strength.” A strong military is obviously the backbone of a defensive strategy. Conservatives need to ensure that our military has what it needs to defend our nation and its interests in the most effective way. Our leaders need to empower our forces with the best in technology and training in times of peace as well as times of war. Like it or not, the United States is a leader on the world stage (in spite of what the Left may have to say about our role). No, we shouldn’t play “world cop” and meddle in, or feel obligated to be involved in, every affair that takes place on the globe. But, as part of our leadership role, our interests are spread wide. Sometimes we have to take unpopular actions to defend our interests. At the same time, we should only engage our military when our interests (and, in some cases, the interests of close allies) are at stake. Our leaders should have the wisdom to know when and where our military should be involved.Join us in this discussion 424-222-5255.