Unseat Obama And Undo The Damage

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: It seems to me that this fact alone should unite the Right. Conservatives everywhere should make it their number one goal to see that Barack Obama and his coterie of followers on the Left are defeated in 2012. We on the Right need to seize the momentum of the midterm elections and charge headlong and confident into the next election. How do we do that? First of all, we need to present to the American people candidates who are compelling and vibrant and who stand on solid vision and principles. We need to unite behind our candidates after the primaries and refrain from the backbiting that can be so damaging. Getting principled conservatives elected isn’t enough. Once they’re in office, they need to aggressively work to undo the Obama agenda. Ideally in 2012 we’ll have conservative majorities in both houses of Congress and a president in the White House who hails from the Right. If so (and even if not), we need to do all we can to make sure that they restore damaged relationships with our allies like Great Britain and Israel, scale back the federal government, and reign in government spending. We need to stand together for the things that matter to all of us on the Right. We need to be unified and work together instead of picking each other apart. If we don’t, we’ll never make the difference we’re meant to make, and we’ll be a dysfunctional and ineffective movement. Regardless of our disagreements, I don’t think that’s what any of us want.So Join is the discussion tonight on Conservative Primetime @ 424-222-5255