We LOVE The 90's -The American Century-Part 5

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: The 1990s began with Iraq invading Kuwait President George Bush lead A NEW WORLD Order & liberated Kuwait from Sadam.  Rodney King emerged as A HERO from The Black community. America fell in LOVE with Ross, 90210, Atlanta hosted The 1996 Summer Olympics & A NEW CRIME Family was introduced to us all on HBO name The Sopranos. In 1994 A REVOLUTION was underway when the taxpayers said READ OUR LIPS. As many career political hacks were thrown from office and the contract with America was officially underway & Impeachment of an American president was only 5 years away. WTF - OMG - LMAO - BFF well they are NOT quiet groovy & choice but they did evolve from A 90's era & generaltion they will be long known for A DOT COM business wave & alot of CRAZY Political back stabbing leading into The NEW millennium. In the 90's A REAL 3rd party candidate emerged. William Jefferson Clinton former Gov. of Arkansas took the Democratic primary with A passion of political skill & in SPORTS Dallas once again became Americas Team, Baseball said hello to Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa. The Chicago Bulls and Michael Jordan WON 6 NBA titles & A guy name Wayne Gretsky put the NHL into A NEW Era The 1990s was truly the electronic age. In 1989, 15% of American households had a computer.  And by 2000, this figure increased to 51%, with 41.5% online.  Internet lingo like plug-ins,  BTW We signed our mail with a  :-)  smile, a   ;-)  wink, or a :-* kiss.  And - everyone has a cell phone (even Jason at right!) In 1996 The Republican National Party clearly stood up and said NO Patrick Buchan for President and told their members it's Bob Dole. On October 7, 1996 Americans w/ cable woke up to A NEW Era & A NO SPIN ZONE. Can we fit this all in join us tonight......