Thanks For The Memories Rodney King

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: In loving memory of : Pfc. Le Ron A. Wilson 18, of Queens, N.Y.; died July 6 in Iraq when A IED detonated near his vehicle. On Tuesday he was awarded Purple Heart & the Bronze Star He enlisted at age 15 ( w/ Mothers permission ) but has to wait until he graduated HS & was 18 in order to enter basic training. He came to The USA at age 11 from Trinidad. In 1991 their was A DAWN of A NEW Era in The BLACK Communities of America. It was December 25th A NEW KING of King's was born, A NEW Role model & hero whom almost ALL if NOT EVERY member of the BLACK leadership Community Loved Honor Cherish their NEW KING. Rodney King came to Americans during A high speed chase w/ LA Police. The TV showed his beating AFTER the fact & left out the WHITE people he hit in the car as A result of this high speed chase but it didnt matter because it was again another PAY BACK FOR BLACKS. Almost ZERO LEADERS of the BLACK COMMUNITY said the aftermath was wrong because WHITE PEOPLE DESERVE IT. Almost ALL blacks LOVED their NEW Savior so much they name the riots : The Rodney King Riots. Cheering South & East LA Blacks as the RIOTS began were almost EVERY SINGLE so called BLACK community leader. As people beated, business burn down, broke in & robbed as if they were JUNGLE TRIBES w/ The NAACP. Quotes like : The white people owe us & KILL the slave masters were broadcast and heard & all in the name of BLACK JUSTICE for BLACK People of America.Glory to their NEW BORN King. 20 years later the SAME LEADERS REMAIN & so does the idea : WHITES owe Blacks, whats yours is mine because you OWN ME. Rodney King died - & before anybody even knew why members of the BLACK COMMUNITY were screaming FOUL PLAY. Is Trayvon Martin the NEW hero , role model for the BLACK Community? Tonight A look back this is : CPT on BTR.