Break Free Monday: Entitlement Society

Citizens Prime Time Show show

Summary: Allen West Says Social Security Is 'A Form Of Slavery'Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) on Sunday called Social Security "a form of modern, 21st century slavery."Responding to a question about the increase of Americans getting Social Security benefits, he said, "that is an unfortunate consequence of failing economic policies coming from the president so that now when people are running out of the unemployment benefits, now they are looking toward going on Social Security disability… so once again we are creating the sense of economic dependence, which to me is a form of modern, 21st century slavery."Chris Rock's 'White People's Day' Tweet Stirs Debate-Chris Rock and controversy seem to go hand in hand.So he surely knew he would push a few buttons when he took to Twitter on the Fourth of July to post this tweet: "Happy white peoples independence day the slaves weren't free but I'm sure they enjoyed fireworks."Cue the social-media backlash: While many Twitter users applauded Rock, others slammed him as unpatriotic  All this and more Tonight on CPT